October 1
- Fire Pup Day (US)
- International Day of Older Persons
- International Coffee Day
- International Raccoon Appreciation Day
- National Manufacturing Day a.k.a. MFG (US) – First Friday in October
- Plaidurday – First Friday in October
- Pumpkin Spice Day (US)
- World Sake Day
- World Smile Day – First Friday in October
- World Vegetarian Day #VegetarianDay
October 2
- Custodial Worker’s Recognition Day (US)
- International Day of Non-Violence
- National Fried Scallops Day (US)
- National Name Your Car Day (US)
- World Farm Animals Day
- World No Alcohol Day
- Wrongful Conviction Day
October 3
- Coffee with a Cop Day (US)
- Mean Girls Day #MeanGirlsDay
- National Boyfriend Day (US) #NationalBoyfriendDay
- National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day (US)
- National Family TV Show Day (US)
- National Techies Day (US)
- Virus Appreciation Day
- World Card Making Day – First Sunday in October
October 4
- Cinnamon Roll Day a.k.a. Kanelbullens dag in Sweden, Korvapuustipäivä in Finland
- National Child Health Day (US) – First Monday in October
- National Golf Lovers Day (US)
- National Taco Day (US) #NationalTacoDay
- National Vodka Day (US)
- World Animal Day
- World Habitat Day – First Monday in October
October 5
- Do Something Nice Day (US)
- National Apple Betty Day (US)
- National Get Funky Day (US)
- National Kiss a Wrestler Day (US)
- World Teachers Day
October 6
- Balloons Around the World Day – First Wednesday in October
- Energy Efficiency Day (US)
- International Walk to School Day – First Wednesday in October
- National Mad Hatter Day (US)
- National Noodle Day (US)
- National Plus Size Appreciation Day (US)
- National Pumpkin Seed Day (US) – First Wednesday in October
- Random Acts of Poetry Day – 1st Wednesday in October
- Transfer Money to Your Daughter Day
- Walk to School Day (US)
- World Cerebral Palsy Day #CerebralPalsyDay
October 7
- Inner Beauty Day
- National Poetry Day (UK)
- National Frappé Day (US)
October 8
- National Fluffernutter Day (US)
- National Pierogi Day (US)
- World Egg Day – Second Friday in October
- World Octopus Day
October 9
- I Love Yarn Day (US) – Second Saturday in October
- National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work & School Day (US)
- National Leif Erikson Day (US)
- National Moldy Cheese Day (US)
- World Migratory Bird Day – Second Saturday in May & October
- World Post Day
October 10
- National Angel Food Cake Day (US)
- National Cake Decorating Day (US)
- National Handbag Day (US)
- National Hug a Drummer Day (US)
- World Mental Health Day
- World Porridge Day
October 11
- International Day of the Girl Child
- It’s My Party Day
- National Coming Out Day (US) #NationalComingOutDay
- National Sausage Pizza Day
- Native American Day (South Dakota and Wisconsin) – Second Monday in October
October 12
- Columbus Day (US)
- Indigenous Peoples Day #IndigenousPeoplesDay
- National Farmer’s Day (US)
- National Gumbo Day (US)
- National Pulled Pork Day (US)
- National Savings Day (US)
October 13
- Fossil Day – Wednesday of the second full week in October
- International Day for Disaster Reduction
- International Top Spinning Day – Second Wednesday in October
- International Skeptics Day
- National M&M Day (US)
- National No Bra Day (US)
- National Stop Bullying Day (US) – Second Wednesday in October
- National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day – Wednesday of the second full week in October
- National Train Your Brain Day (US)
- National Yorkshire Pudding Day (US)
- U.S. Navy Birthday
October 14
- Be Bald and Be Free Day (US)World Standards Day
- National Dessert Day (US)
October 15
- Global Handwashing Day
- International Day of Rural Women
- National Cheese Curd Day (US)
- National Grouch Day (US)
- National I Love Lucy Day (US)
- National Mushroom Day (US)
October 16
- Global Cat Day
- National Boss’s Day (US)
- National Dictionary Day (US)
- National Liqueur Day (US)
- National Sweetest Day (US) – Third Saturday in October
- World Food Day
October 17
- Black Poetry Day (US)
- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
- National Edge Day (US)
- National Mulligan Day (US)
- National Pasta Day (US)
October 18
- National No Beard Day (US)
- National Chocolate Cupcake Day (US)
- National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day (US) – Third Monday in October
- World Menopause Day
October 19
- National LGBT Center Awareness Day (US)
- National Seafood Bisque Day (US)
October 20
- Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day a.k.a. BRA Day (US) – Third Wednesday in October
- National Brandied Fruit Day (US)
- National Day on Writing (US)
- International Chefs Day
- International Sloth Day
- World Osteoporosis Day
- World Statistics Day
October 21
- Back to the Future Day
- International Day of the Nacho
- National Apple Day (UK) – October 21st or the weekend closest to October 30th each year
- National Get Smart About Credit Day (US) – Third Thursday in October
- National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day (US)
- National Reptile Awareness Day (US)
October 22
- International Caps Lock Day – October 22 and June 28
- International Stuttering Awareness Day
- National Color Day (US)
- National Nut Day (US)
October 23
- Global Champagne Day
- National Boston Cream Pie Day (US)
- National iPod Day (US)
- National Mole Day (US)
- National TV Talk Show Host Day (US)
- Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day
October 24
- Drake’s Birthday
- National Bologna Day (US)
- National Mother-in-Law Day (US) – Fourth Sunday in October
- United Nations Day
- World Development Information Day
- World Tripe Day
October 25
- International Artist Day
- Katy Perry’s Birthday
- National Greasy Food Day (US)
- National Sourest Day (US)
- World Pasta Day
October 26
- Howl at the Moon Day and Night
- National Mincemeat Day (US)
- National Mule Day (US)
- National Pumpkin Day (US) #NationalPumpkinDay
October 27
- American Beer Day (US)
- National Black Cat Day (US)
- National Mentoring Day (US)
- Navy Day (US)
- World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
October 28
- National First Responders Day (US)
- National Chocolate Day (US)
October 29
- National Cat Day (US)
- National Oatmeal Day (US)
- National Hermit Day (US)
- World Psoriasis Day
- World Stroke Day
October 30
- Buy a Donut Day
- National Candy Corn Day (US)
October 31
- Girl Scout Founder’s Day (US)
- Halloween
- National Caramel Apple Day (US)
- National Doorbell Day (US)
- National Magic Day US)
- World Cities Day (United Nations)
Food & Drink Holidays in October 2021
This October there are 53 holidays to celebrate, including big ones such as International Coffee Day, World Vegetarian Day and National Dessert Day. Also pasta-lovers and taco-enthusiasts have something to look forward to in October: World Pasta Day and National Taco Day.
In October, the following drinks have their own national holiday: coffee, sake, frappé, liqueur, champagne, vodka and (American) beer. There is also a day for those who won’t drink alcohol: World No Alcohol Day.
Food holidays and drink holidays are some of the most popular ones online and it is easy to why. After all, if you love ice-cold coffee drinks, then National Frappé Day is the perfect excuse for enjoying this delicious drink. And if you have an Instagram, Twitter or Facebook account, why not share your love there?
- October 1: International Coffee Day
- October 1: Pumpkin Spice Day
- October 1: World Sake Day
- October 1: World Vegetarian Day
- October 2: National Fried Scallops Da
- October 2: World No Alcohol Day
- October 3: Coffee with a Cop Day
- October 4: National Taco Day
- October 4: National Vodka Day
- October 5: National Apple Betty Day
- October 6: National Noodle Day
- October 6: National Pumpkin Seed Day
- October 7: National Frappé Day
- October 8: National Fluffernutter Day
- October 8: National Pierogi Day
- October 8: World Egg Day
- October 9: National Moldy Cheese Day
- October 10: National Angel Food Cake Day
- October 10: National Cake Decorating Day
- October 10: World Porridge Day
- October 11: National Sausage Pizza Day
- October 12: National Gumbo Day
- October 12: National Pulled Pork Day
- October 12: National M&M Day
- October 13: National Yorkshire Pudding Day
- October 14: National Dessert Day
- October 15: National Cheese Curd Day
- October 15: National Mushroom Day
- October 16: National Liqueur Day
- October 17: National Pasta Day
- October 18: National Chocolate Cupcake Day
- October 19: National Seafood Bisque Day
- October 20: National Brandied Fruit Day
- October 21: International Day of the Nacho
- October 21: National Apple Day (UK)
- October 21: National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
- October 22: National Nut Day
- October 23: Global Champagne Day
- October 23: National Boston Cream Pie Day
- October 24: National Bologna Day
- October 24: World Tripe Day
- October 25: National Greasy Food Day
- October 25: National Sourest Day
- October 25: World Pasta Day
- October 26: National Mincemeat Day
- October 26: National Pumpkin Day
- October 27: American Beer Day
- October 28: National Chocolate Day (US)
- October 29: National Oatmeal Day (US)
- October 30: Buy a Donut Day
- October 30: National Candy Corn Day (US)
- October 31: National Caramel Apple Day (US)
Until I am able to start making content for Vidaken, Here is TESTING ones I am going to do with my brand:
• Oct 5 World Teachers Day
• Oct 7 National Frappé Day (US)
• Oct 10 World Mental Health Day
• Oct 12 Columbus Day (US)
• Oct 13 National Train Your Brain Day (US)
• Oct 28th National First Responders Day (US)
• Oct 31st Halloween
Thanks, Josh! 😉
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